Application Prep
Hi RPMS! We are Jocelyn Youn and Katie Lu, your Application Prep Chairs.
Every year we invite Rice alumni that have recently matriculated into medical school to participate in the RPMS Gap Year Panel, where they answer various questions about what they did during their gap years and how that has impacted their medical journey. This year we had speakers who were involved in research, study abroad, teaching, startups, masters degrees, and more.
Personal Statement Workshop: Coming soon!
Personal Statement Workshop: A member of the Rice Center for Academic and Professional Communication provides tips, advice, and guidelines on how to craft personal statements for medical school applications.
Gap Year Panel:
Showcases various perspectives on taking a gap year from those who recently took a gap year and are now in medical school and beyond
Mock Interviews : TBD
As interviews are a critical step in the medical school application process, alumni physicians will conduct mock interviews for Rice applicants to provide them useful feedback on their performance and help them become comfortable with the interviewing process
Multiple Mini Interviews (MMIs): TBD
Provides additional practice for an emerging part of the med-school process, MMIs, which function as a series of scenarios/interview questions to challenge the interviewee in unique and unexpected ways
Also keep an eye out for information on other potential events: CASPer prep, senior send-off, and interview workshop!